Car wash chemicals Australia.
With some insight into the chemistry of how car wash chemical work, you’ll be on your way to getting the best from your vehicle wash equipment throughout the year.
Here comes the sun.
Did you know that the ambient temperature and sun’s heat affect what chemical formulations you should be using?
Hot car surfaces make water and soap evaporate faster, affecting drying times and leaving streaks and marks on bodywork.
Special chemical additives are needed to overcome problems associated with seasonal and environmental changes.
Not all dirt is the same.
Different chemical compounds are required to break down and dissolve the different types of dirt and organic matter likely to be found on your customer’s cars.
Quality car washing chemicals have been specifically formulated to soften organic matter so they can be easily removed during the friction cleaning process without causing damage to the vehicle’s bodywork.
Low-level sprays aimed at the wheels and tyres require different chemical formulations to break down grease, oil and tar, along with the black dust from brake pads.
Troubled water
Even the quality and pH level of your water plays a role in your choice of chemicals.
If the quality of your water is poor or contains contaminants, you risk leaving streaks, spots and residue on your customer’s car surfaces.
Additionally, impurities and minerals in the water can lead to clogging, corrosion and premature wear and tear of your equipment.
Chemicals can assist in overcoming these problems. When you understand more about the water quality at your facility, you can choose the right chemicals to counteract any problems.
Book a Car Wash Chemical Assessment
Choosing the right chemicals for your facility is a complex science. Contact Good Sight for more information.
There is a lot of science behind car wash chemicals. This is where we can help you to get the formulation right.
Contact our friendly team to discuss your current chemical consumption and how you may be able to make improvements in wash quality and your operating costs.
Good Sight has access to a range of car wash chemical suppliers and can match the right products to your specific requirements and budget. We’ll even price-match any genuine written quote.
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