self serve car wash equipmentPetrol Station Car Wash Systems & Supplies

Good Sight has built the car wash industry’s strongest legacy in the Petroleum/Convenience store market, and we’ve done it by historically enabling higher profits for you, our convenience store customers.

As the initial supplier of unattended and self-serve car wash technology in  Australia ,we can offer  you complete systems that are both high in performance and  profitable.

By improving the car wash experience for your customers, we help you increase wash counts, upgrades, repeat business and overall site revenue to your petroleum and convenience store.

Whether you are an existing owner/operator or new to the  vehicle wash business, Good Sight are able to  help you build a more profitable car wash facility. We bring together exceptional quality car wash equipment, a complete line of car wash chemicals and unparalleled car wash equipment service and maintenance

We understand how important reliable uptime is to your continued success. That is why we concentrate on delivering effective and efficient car wash maintenance  from our qualified  factory-trained technicians who keep your revenues flowing and growing. With our advanced  car wash technologies, superior national service network, and comprehensive marketing and management programs, we give you an end-to-end vehicle wash solution.

More information about car wash equipment for retailers

Call (02) 9757 4700  Send an Email  Get a Quote

Car wash suppliers since 1968

Good Sight Australia Pty Ltd were the first suppliers of  automatic car wash in Australia and since then, have always been able to pride ourselves as  offering a highly professional level of service and support to our clients.

In 1982 we became the national distributors of Istobal and Ryko vehicle wash systems and since then have installed and supported a network of  automatic car wash  equipment for private operators ,motor dealerships and major oil companies.

Being Australia’s leading distributor of automatic vehicle wash equipment we have  access to major international and local  equipment manufacturers including Ryko solutions, McNeil car wash systems and Istobal automatic cleaning solutions.

car wash supplies australia

Customer support & service

Good Sight Australia Pty Ltd offer a range of regular preventative maintenance schedules to support our clients needs.

All our equipment is backed by our National Support Network .We operate a fully equipped fleet of service vehicles to assist in reducing our customer’s break downs and lost operating time.

Our company employed service technicians and engineers are fully trained and qualified in their respective fields.

Car wash equipment tips

car wash service technicians

Creating a cohesive connection between our admin team and service technicians

The Caravan of Courage, a unique Good Sight initiative where our administrative staff join maintenance and service technicians onsite for a day in the field.

oasis car wash systems

Introducing Oasis touchless car wash systems

The Oasis range of touchless car washes is hydraulically driven and equipped with an advanced electronic scanning and positioning system.

paul hoey qld sales manager

Welcome Paul Hoey, our Queensland Sales Manager

Covering the entire state, Paul is committed to helping clients succeed in their car wash ventures – whether they’re just starting out, expanding an existing operation, or looking for vehicle washing solutions to enhance efficiency, Paul can assist.

craig sargent general manager good sight

Welcome Craig Sargent, our new General Manager

Craig brings extensive practical experience and mechanical understanding that’s perfect for the car wash industry.

us car wash industry 2024

An insight into the U.S. car wash industry in 2024

What’s happening in the United States car wash industry?

vintage car washes australia

A snapshot of the vintage car wash industry in Australia

A time when washing your car wasn’t just a task but was a genuine experience.

car wash lipstick index

Car washes and the “lipstick index”

Does visiting the local car wash come under the “lipstick index”?

car wash industry news 2024

Our recap of 2023 and predictions for 2024

It has been gratifying to look back at the resilience of the car wash industry. 

car wash epa compliance

EPA regulations and commercial car wash compliance

EPA regulations stipulate how commercial car washes dispose of waste water and the handling of chemicals.

istobal mwash carwashes

Istobal launches the new M’Wash range of automatic car washes.

We’re excited to announce that Istobal has released their new M’Wash range of automatic rollovers and we’re introducing them to the Australian market.

good sight car wash suppliers

We are Australia’s leading suppliers of car wash systems, supplies and equipment

Good Sight are Australia’s leading suppliers of car wash equipment including:

We can work with you in every stage of starting or improving your car wash business from design to completion and then servicing and maintenance.

We have been offering Australia-wide sales & service since 1968 and were the first suppliers of automatic car wash systems in the country. Since then we have always been able to pride ourselves as offering a highly professional level of service and support to our clients.

We offer a full range of vehicle wash services including car wash installation, upgrades and maintenance for car wash businessespetroleum retailersautomotive dealershipsfleet and rental car businesses.

We can also assist with a range of car wash accessories including coin-operated car vacuumsvending machines and dog washes.

Flexible car wash equipment finance options

Having the right machinery and equipment ensures your car wash business operates at the highest level of productivity.

By using our finance options to acquire new car wash equipment, update old machines or integrate accessories you to achieve an immediate return on investment. The new equipment can generate income and create savings that will offset the low monthly payments.

Good Sight can help you arrange the best finance facility for your specific requirements that will make a difference to your business and help you achieve your goals faster.

Contact us for more information about financing a new car wash business or upgrading your existing machinery.

Call 02 9757 4700   Email Us   Get a Quote

car wash equipment suppliers australia